Scattered Dreams

go to sleep

let your mind
play around with thoughts
that you have gotten
during the day

organizing them
and reorganizing them
then to scatter the pieces
and put them together

a never ending puzzle

let your mind
create a story
where you decide
what happens

but once in a while
your mind takes the reins

and guides you
through a story
that doesn't seem
to make sence

but it does have value
it's woven cleverly inside

let your mind
create its own new story
that you're in
and a part of

there you can stay
and only there
all of your dreams
will come true

so go to sleep


 -Moist Towelettes
 -Bara no Toiki
 -The Angel of Freedom
 -Akaiko's Perihelion


 -Grape of Death
 -Onion Pictures
   -Invader Zim
