
Because clouds have burdened the sky
The sun isn't shining through my dusty blinds
The peaceful landscape now destroyed
Actions are said to be done with 'good intentions'

The sun isn't shining through my dusty blinds
Work that needs doing is put off
Actions are said to be done with 'good intentions'
All the while the lives around us are crumbling

Work that needs doing is put off
Everyone only looking into ones self
All the while the lives around us are crumbling
People just don't care any more

Everyone only looking into ones self
The peaceful landscape now destroyed
People just don't care any more
Because clouds have burdened the sky


 -Moist Towelettes
 -Bara no Toiki
 -The Angel of Freedom
 -Akaiko's Perihelion


 -Grape of Death
 -Onion Pictures
   -Invader Zim
