Homeward Bound

Song's Name = Homeward Bound
Singers = Simon & Garfunkel
CD = Best of Simon & Garfunkel
Buy the album at Amazon.com or at Half.com
For much of the Stars season, parts of this songs seem to be Taiki's opinion of the Earth and wishing she were back at home.
Homeward bound
I wish I was homeward bound
    Maker: Let's go back to our planet!
    Sera Myu: Princess, instead of staying on this planet
    As soon as possible, to Kinmokusei...
There is also shown a hopelessness of ever finding their princess.
Tonignt I'll sing my songs again
I'll play the game and pretend
But all my words come back to me
In shades of mediocrety
Like emptyness in harmony
    Taiki: Even if I sing, our message won't reach our princess!
