Tools of the Mind

There be three things we think on,
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

These three things are all we have ever known,
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

These three things are all we have ever witnessed,
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

These three things are all we ever hope to witness,
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

There is probably more to life than
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

There is probably more to live for than
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

These three things we live on,
Chaos, Suffering, Death,

Maybe are not needed, but we still think on
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

Is there a different way to go than by
Chaos, Suffering, Death?

A better way than
Chaos, Suffering, Death?

Will we ever not need
Chaos, Suffering, Death?

And even now, do we need
Chaos, Suffering, Death?

Maybe we don't need
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

There may be a different way than
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

There may be a different purpose than
Chaos, Suffering, Death.

But for now, all we know and do is
Chaos, Suffering, Death.


 -Moist Towelettes
 -Bara no Toiki
 -The Angel of Freedom
 -Akaiko's Perihelion


 -Grape of Death
 -Onion Pictures
   -Invader Zim
