Mythology - Hindu
The following was made by Steeldragon at Star of Creation.
The triad of the great Hindu gods which proceeded from the world-egg deposited by the supreme First Cause. The Trimurti consisted of the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. They represent respectively the creation, the preservation, and the destruction of the universe.
When comparing the Starlights to the gods, the simplest comparisons would go like this:
Brahma with Sailorstarmaker (creator/maker)
Vishnu with Sailorstarhealer (preserver/healer)
Shiva with Sailorstarfighter (destroyer/fighter [often fighting leads to the destruction of something, whether it be physical or mental- well at least that's my take on it])
Brahma- The Creator
The senior member of the Trimurti of the great gods. In Hindu myths, Brahma is known to have created the entire universe from the Hiranyagarbha. In later times he became symbolized as the supreme eternal deity whose essence pervades the entire universe. Brahma's name is etymologically connected with Brahman, the neuter noun that denotes the ultimate cosmic principle. Brahma plays almost no part in Hinduism today whereas the other two members of the Trimurti are commonly worshipped. (Could this have lead to the lack of Sailorstarmaker shrines? o_O)
Vishnu- The Preserver
Popularly regarded as the preserver of the universe. In the ancient body of literature called the Veda, Vishnu ranks with the numerous lesser gods and is usually associated with the major god Indra in battles against demonic forces. Vishnu is depicted frequently in human form, sleeping on the great serpent Shesha and floating on the waters. He is depicted as dark blue or black, and his avatars, or mortal forms, appear in other colors. Normally he is represented with four arms: One hand holds a lotus; a second holds a conch; a third holds a discus, which always returns by itself after being thrown; and the fourth carries a mace.
Shiva- The Destroyer
Hindu god who personifies both the destructive and the procreative forces of the universe. As the destroyer, he is represented wearing a necklace of skulls and surrounded by demons. The lingam, a phallic emblem, symbolizes his reproductive aspect. Shiva is also the god of asceticism and art. Some Hindus worship Shiva as the supreme deity and consider him a benevolent god of salvation as well as a god of destruction. (Maybe that's why Starfighter's so popular though I never thought of her as benevolent and such :P)