Parallel Universes
From Healing Love.
Dean Koontz talks about it. So does Michael Crichton, as well as Philip Pullman. But what do alternate realities mean?
Here's a theory: For every second in this world, there are an infinite amount of other realities born, no less real, no less solid.
Let's make an example of this to better understand.
You are reading this right now. Let's say you blink. This triggers a reality where you DID NOT blink... another where you blinked a second later, or another universe where you sneezed instead. They don't seem that big of a deal, right? Well, those realities will trigger other ones... it's like a tree... you have the trunk and then it branches out, forever growing.
In another reality I never made this page... in another reality I made it a day later. Maybe I just began to do it, but never finished it. Maybe I'm not even alive (a reality that was triggered when I was born)... maybe I'm actually the Empress of Earth, and doing a damn good job. Maybe Naoko-sama never made Sailor Moon, and instead became President of Ireland.
If this is true, then there is a reality where Sailor Moon is alive in the flesh. A reality where Sailor Terra is real and Akaiko and Taiki do truly fall in love and live happily together the rest of their lives... maybe they fall in love but never see each other again... maybe they get together but break up, hating each other the rest of their lives. Maybe they never die...
You may not agree with this theory, that's fine, I have no attachment to you caring. But maybe this theory makes sense to you, explains some things for you.