I acquired a table saw last summer at a local estate sale for $20. It needed some repair, but looked like it was likely still in fairly good condition.
The label identifies it as a Powr-Kraft model TMG-3332A from Montgomery-Wards; date unkown. Looking at it, I guessed it was from the 1960s.
The saw takes an 8-inch blade, and is belt-driven with the motor mounted on the back of the frame. Mine has a 1-horsepower Craftsman electrical motor. I know this is not the original since Craftsman is a Sears brand.
My friend Jerry helped me find more information about this saw from the Old Wood Working Machine’s Powr-Kraft page. They had a reprint of a 1956 Ward’s catalog, and my saw is right inside on the second page.
Even though it is 50 years old, it still works nicely, but there are a number of things this saw needs. The electrical wiring needs repair, and it needs some safety guards. Since it is bordering on being an antique, or at least a collector’s item, I’m making sure that any fixes or modifications are not permanent, so it could be restored to original state if desired in the future.
Hey, i actually just recently purchased the same table saw at a thrift store. Was wondering if you have access to the owners manual?
No, I have not come across any owner’s manual for it. There are a fair number of photos at vintagemachinery.org, but no manuals. The design of mine is fairly straightforward, and works similar to other table saws I have used. After trying things out and practicing with it, I have been able to use it adequately without a manual. Good luck with yours!
Hey nice saw , I also just bought the Model 710 . It’s a 9 inch blade model with long rails and a sliding bar that extends to the right of the fence I bought it from the son of original owner . 3/4 hp 3450 rpm . Runs really smooth and quite.found same site as above ,indicating it’s 1956 /195 Montgomery Ward Powr Kraft. All others shown on site are 8″ and 10″ . Will be looking for twin belts and additional blades .
I have acquired an old Power Kraft table saw THS- 2727A. The blade slips when using but still runs. Is it worth fixing and do you know if there is a manual for it somewhere?
I haven’t see any manuals for them myself. You could try vintagemachinery.org.
Is it worth fixing? If you like to tinker and have a fondness for old machinery, then yes. Even “low cost” machines from back then were built pretty solid. Today’s entry level table saws have a lot of plastic and pot-metal parts, which are going to break sooner. Really depends on how much you want to tinker with it. Good luck!
I realize this is an old comment, but…
I have a 2727 also. Haven’t found a manual, but did find one for the 2715 which looks pretty similar. http://vintagemachinery.org/pubs/detail.aspx?id=6815
According to this there is a clutch for the blade that allows it to slip. Manual tells how to adjust.
I have a 2245 and if yours is like mine then it has a clutch which is fairly simple to adjust to keep the blade from slipping, the only problem I have with mine is it was hard to get the blade completely parallel with the fence. I actually had to rotate the table a bit to do it and it’s still off a little, I think because the blade tends to move easily due to it and the motor hanging on nothing but a 3/8″ rod that spans the housing I can’t figure out a way to secure it better, it doesn’t keep me from using it though, other than that it does what it’s supposed to
i have a wards powr-kraft table saw and it words find so now i need a drive belt for it any ideas as to where i can get one. it is a THS 2733. the serial number is 66×6828
I don’t have any other specific info on these table saws, but I have changed over to using 1/2-inch link belts instead of rubber V-belts. Link belts are completely adjustable to match any length of original belt. I use one from Harbor Freight on my table saw and it has worked great. Runs smoother than a rubber V-belt, because it doesn’t have the warping issue that rubber belts can get when they sit in one spot for a long time.
That’s what I use for my power craft table saw also. Mine is the model in the catalog with the 4-inch jointer. Tore it apart cleaned everything and put it back together. It’s all I got a three quarter horsepower motor blue with thin kerf blade and cut through anything. I was impressed on how quiet it is. Jointer works perfect.
You happen to know what year your 8″saw and4″ jointer is I just picked one up for $50 all works great
Found a wards power craft table saw
Model 84-TMA-2277 in excellent condition and was wondering what it might be worth.